Abbott Panbio COVID-19 -antigeenin nopea testi

Näyte: Matala nenä
Muoto: Kasetti
Aika tulokseen: 15 minuuttia
Määrä: 25 testiä / laatikko

16 dollaria / testi – 25-75 testiä (1-3 laatikkoa)
15 dollaria / testi – 100-475 testiä (4-19 laatikkoa)
14,00 $ / testi – 500-999 testiä (20-39 laatikkoa)
Yli 1000 testiä – ota meihin yhteyttä saadaksesi tarjouksen

Panbio COVID-19 Ag -pikatestilaite (nenän kautta) on korkean suorituskyvyn pikatesti potilaille, joita epäillään nykyisestä COVID-19-infektiosta.

Panbio mahdollistaa välittömän käsittelyn tai eristystoimenpiteet tartunnan minimoimiseksi.

  • Potilasystävälliset nenän tai nenänielun näytteenottotyypit.
  • Helppokäyttöinen ja laajamittainen testaus auttaa torjumaan viruksen leviämistä.
  • Mahdollisesti tarttuvien henkilöiden nopea tunnistaminen
  • Testitulokset 15 minuutissa
  • Ota käyttöön laajamittaisesti hoitopaikassa
  • Voidaan käyttää monissa muissa kuin laboratorioissa
  • Erityisiä / lisälaitteita ei tarvita
  • Itsenäinen putki, jossa on irrotettava vanupuikko, vähentää henkilöstön altistumista
  • Uuttoputki on täysin suljettu hävitettäväksi

Chlamydia Rapid Test Device (Swab/Urine)

173-8537306 20 Tests/Kit
EUR 300

Panbio Leptospira IgM ELISA (96w)

02PE10 96 wells/kit
EUR 456.5

Healgen Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test

BSV-GCCOV-502a-H1-10 10 Ask for price
Description: Healgen Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test

Healgen Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test

BSV-GCCOV-502a-H1-1000 1000 Ask for price
Description: Healgen Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test

Healgen Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test

BSV-GCCOV-502a-H1-200 200 Ask for price
Description: Healgen Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test

COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0182C 20
EUR 1.25

COVID-19 IgG.IgM Rapid Test, Cs

R0180C 30
EUR 0.9

COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Kit

UNCOV-20 20T/kit
EUR 186
Description: COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test (Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood) is a qualitative membrane-based immunoassay for the detection of COVID-19 antibodies in serum, plasma, or whole blood. This test consists of two test lines, an IgG line and an IgM line, which is pre-coated with two mouse anti-human monoclonal antibodies separately. During testing, the sample reacts with COVID-19 antigen-coated on conjugated pad. As the complex continues to travel up the strip, the anti-COVID-19 IgM antibodies are bound on the IgM line, and the anti-COVID-19 IgG antibodies are bound on the IgG line. The control(C)line appears when sample has flowed through the strip. The presence of anti-COVID-19 IgM and/or IgG will be indicated by a visible test line in the IgM and IgG region. To serve as a procedural control, the control line should always appear if the test procedure is performed properly and the reagents are working as intended.

Innovita COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test

BSV-RAPID-02 40 tests
EUR 1011
Description: Innovita COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test

COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test External Control Kit

C0182 each
EUR 520

COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Development Kit

MBS2563888-500Tests 500Tests
EUR 500

COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Development Kit

MBS2563888-5x500Tests 5x500Tests
EUR 2225

Flu A & Flu B & Covid-19 Ag Rapid Test

GF101A3 25 Test/kit Ask for price

COVID-19 + Influenza A. B Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0188C 1fi Ask for price

COVID-19 IgG 2gM Rapid Test Extemal Control Kit

C0180 each
EUR 520

COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Coronavirus IgG/IgM Rapid Test Kit

GF101A1 25 Test/kit Ask for price

COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Development Kit (No colloidal gold conjugated)

MBS2563898-1000Tests 1000Tests
EUR 820

COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Development Kit (No colloidal gold conjugated)

MBS2563898-5000Tests 5000Tests
EUR 3415

COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Development Kit (No colloidal gold conjugated)

MBS2563898-5x1000Tests 5x1000Tests
EUR 3695

H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test

IHP-N601 1 kit Ask for price

H.pylori Antigen Rapid Test

IHP-N602 1 kit Ask for price

COVID-19 Antigen Test Kit (colloidal gold method)

TRI-K03M1S 50T
EUR 277.2

COVID-19 Antigen Test Kit (colloidal gold method)

TRI-K03S1S 25T
EUR 141.12

Brucella Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092116-100l 100 µl
EUR 350

Brucella Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092116-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

Brucella Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092116-200l 200 µl Ask for price

S. pneumoniae Antigen Rapid Test

ISP-N102 1 kit Ask for price

Rotavirus Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092133-100l 100 µl
EUR 362.5

Rotavirus Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092133-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

Rotavirus Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092133-200l 200 µl Ask for price

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