T-solut vaativat ulkoisia signaaleja erilaistumiseen ja laajentumiseen lepotilasta. Konkanavaliini A (con A) on antigeenistä riippumaton mitogeeni ja sitä voidaan käyttää vaihtoehtoisena T-solun ärsykkeenä. Tätä lektiiniä käytetään usein antigeeniä esittelevien solujen korvikkeena T-solujen stimulaatiokokeissa. Konkaanavaliini A sitoutuu peruuttamattomasti solun pinnalla oleviin glykoproteiineihin ja sitouttaa T-solut lisääntymään. Tämä on nopea tapa stimuloida transkriptiotekijöitä ja sytokiinituotantoa.
- Steriilit T25- tai T75-pullot, joissa on tuuletetut korkit (esim. Nunc EasYFlask -soluviljelypullot, T25, suodatin, luettelonro 156367)
- RPMI 1640 medium (esim. BenchStable RPMI 1640 Medium, luettelonro A4192301)
- Naudan sikiön seerumi (esim. Gibco Fetal Bovine Serum, luettelonro 26140087 tai Fetal Bovine Serum One Shot -muoto, luettelonro A3160401)
- L-glutamiini (esim. 200 mM L-glutamiini, luettelonro 25030149)
- Valinnainen: penisilliini-streptomysiini (esim. Gibco Penicillin-Streptomycin, luettelonro 15140148)
- Concanavalin A (esim. EBioscience Concanavalin A -liuos, 500X, luettelonro 00-4978-93)
- Solunkaavin (esim. Nunc Cell Scrapers, luettelonro 179693)
Lisäprotokolla A: PBMC: n eristäminen kokoverestä
- Fosfaattipuskuroitu suolaliuos (esim. Gibco PBS (10X), pH 7,4, luettelonro 70011044)
- 15 ml tai 50 ml kartiomainen putki (esim. Nunc 15 ml kartiomaiset steriilit sentrifugiputket, luettelonro 339650)
- Ficoll- tiheys erotusvälineen
- Virtaussytometrinen värjäyspuskuri (esim. EBioscience Flow Cytometry -värjäyspuskuri, luettelonro 00-4222-26)
Lisäprotokolla B: immuunisolujen eristäminen imukudoksesta
- 60 x 15 mm: n soluviljelymalja (esim. Nunc-soluviljely Petri-astiat, luettelonro 150340)
- Muovinen 3 ml: n ruisku tai kaksi himmeä lasimikroskoopin lasia
- Solusihti (nailonverkko)
- 15 ml tai 50 ml kartiomainen putki (esim. Nunc 15 ml kartiomaiset steriilit sentrifugiputket, luettelonro 339650)
- Virtaussytometrinen värjäyspuskuri (esim. EBioscience Flow Cytometry -värjäyspuskuri, luettelonro 00-4222-26).
Rac1 Activation Assay |
STA-401-1 | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 556 |
Rac2 Activation Assay |
STA-401-2 | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 556 |
RhoA Activation Assay |
STA-403-A | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 556 |
RhoB Activation Assay |
STA-403-B | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 908.4 |
Description: Our Rho Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of RhoA, RhoB or RhoC. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a RhoA-, RhoB- or RhoC-specific antibody included in the kit. |
RhoC Activation Assay |
STA-403-C | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 908.4 |
Description: Our Rho Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of RhoA, RhoB or RhoC. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a RhoA-, RhoB- or RhoC-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Arf1 Activation Assay |
STA-407-1 | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 665 |
Arf6 Activation Assay |
STA-407-6 | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 908.4 |
Description: Our Arf Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Arf1 or Arf 6. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using an Arf1- or Arf6-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Cdc42 Activation Assay |
STA-402 | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 556 |
H-Ras Activation Assay |
STA-400-H | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 908.4 |
Description: Our Ras Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of specific Ras protein of interest. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a target-specific antibody included in the kit. Assays are available to detect specific isoforms H-Ras, K-Ras, and N-Ras, as well as a Pan-Ras assay that detects all three isoforms. |
K-Ras Activation Assay |
STA-400-K | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 908.4 |
Description: Our Ras Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of specific Ras protein of interest. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a target-specific antibody included in the kit. Assays are available to detect specific isoforms H-Ras, K-Ras, and N-Ras, as well as a Pan-Ras assay that detects all three isoforms. |
N-Ras Activation Assay |
STA-400-N | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 908.4 |
Description: Our Ras Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of specific Ras protein of interest. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a target-specific antibody included in the kit. Assays are available to detect specific isoforms H-Ras, K-Ras, and N-Ras, as well as a Pan-Ras assay that detects all three isoforms. |
Rap1 Activation Assay Kit |
STA-406-1 | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 556 |
Rap2 Activation Assay Kit |
STA-406-2 | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 908.4 |
Description: Our Rap Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Rap1 or Rap2. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a Rap1- or Rap2-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Pan-Ras Activation Assay |
STA-400 | Cell Biolabs | 20 assays | EUR 556 |
Ral Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-408-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Ral Activation Assay uses visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Ral protein. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a Ral-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Ran Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-409-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Ran Activation Assay uses visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Ran protein. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a Ran-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Rac1 Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-401-1-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Rac Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Rac1 or Rac2. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a Rac1- or Rac2-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Rac2 Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-401-2-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Rac Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Rac1 or Rac2. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a Rac1- or Rac2-specific antibody included in the kit. |
RhoA Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-403-A-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Rho Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of RhoA, RhoB or RhoC. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a RhoA-, RhoB- or RhoC-specific antibody included in the kit. |
RhoB Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-403-B-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Rho Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of RhoA, RhoB or RhoC. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a RhoA-, RhoB- or RhoC-specific antibody included in the kit. |
RhoC Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-403-C-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Rho Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of RhoA, RhoB or RhoC. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a RhoA-, RhoB- or RhoC-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Rap1 Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-406-1-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Rap Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Rap1 or Rap2. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a Rap1- or Rap2-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Rap2 Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-406-2-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Rap Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Rap1 or Rap2. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a Rap1- or Rap2-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Arf1 Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-407-1-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Arf Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Arf1 or Arf 6. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using an Arf1- or Arf6-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Arf6 Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-407-6-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Arf Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Arf1 or Arf 6. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using an Arf1- or Arf6-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Cdc42 Activation Assay Kit, Trial Size |
STA-402-T | Cell Biolabs | 5 assays | EUR 483.6 |
Description: Our Cdc42 Activation Assays use visible agarose beads to selectively precipitate the active form of Cdc42 protein. The precipitated small GTPase is then detected by Western blot using a Cdc42-specific antibody included in the kit. |
Rac1/Cdc42 Activation Assay Combo Kit |
STA-404 | Cell Biolabs | 2 x 20 assays | EUR 796 |